
Buttery Kalettes


15 mins

Serves 3-4 as a side dish



500g kalettes or shredded kale
75g butter
1 tsp chopped rosemary
2 tsp (a good pinch) Cornish Sea Salt Flakes
1 tsp orange zest
2 tsp orange juice
1 tsp kraut powder (optional)



Remove the kalettes from their stalk (as you would with Brussels sprouts) and wash under cold water to remove any mud or grit. Pat dry with a clean tea-towel or with kitchen roll.

Melt the butter in a large frying pan and add the kalettes (whole). Toss the kalettes in the melted butter and keep them moving until wilted. Season with chopped rosemary and a good pinch of Cornish Sea Salt Flakes. Squeeze the juice of half an orange into the pan and stir. 

If using, sprinkle the kalettes with kraut powder* before serving. 


*To make kraut powder:

Take 75g of Sauerkraut and spread evenly on a baking tray. Dry in a low oven (at 50-75˚C) for 4-6 hours, then blitz using a spice blender into a fine powder. Store in an airtight container and sprinkle on dishes to add a zingy, umami flavour. 

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