225g self-raising flour1/2 tsp Cornish Sea Salt, Smoked Sea Salt
30g butter
125ml milk, plus extra to glaze
75g Cornish Yarg preferable (with rind) or strong Cheddar

- Heat oven to 220C/fan 200C/Gas 7.
- Sift a little flour over a baking sheet. Sift flour into a large bowl. Add the Cornish Sea Salt, Smoked Sea Salt.
- Cut butter into 1 cm cubes and rub into flour until resembles breadcrumbs. Stir in cheese. Make a well in centre of mix. Pour in milk and stir with cutlery knife until dough comes together. Gather together with hands.
- Pat dough on lightly floured surface & pat or roll out to no less than 3cm thickness.
- Dip 5-6cm pastry cutter in flour and cut out scones. Put on baking sheet and brush the tops with a little milk, to glaze.
- Bake in top 1/3 of oven for 15-20 minutes until well risen and golden brown.
- Put on wire rack to cool.
- Enjoy while still warm with butter and rhubarb chutney.